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Building Personal Networks
Program HighlightsThe connections that are most likely to advance your career. Strategy versus sincerity: how care and concern build credibility. Networks that obsolesce quickly, and those that appreciate over time. It goes without saying that networks can be powerful career tools, helping to drive ... read more
Creativity in Business
Everyone has a unique way of expressing his/her own creativity.
Program Highlights The challenges to unlocking creativity. Linking personal growth to increased organizational creativity. Specific exercises to foster personal creativity. Continual innovation is essential to succeed in today's challenging marketplace. Everyone in your organization needs to draw fr... read more
Dealing with Crisis and Transition
How Organizations Transform Themselves
Program Highlights Influencing organizational culture to promote motivation and commitment. Aligning corporate culture and strategy. Avoiding the handcuffs of success. Why do successful firms sometimes fail? Dr. Charles O'Reilly calls it "the failure of success." While the natural tendency to focus ... read more
How to Make Your Ideas Stick
Seven Lessons from Urban Legends
Program Highlights How to craft messages that take on a life of their own. The value of evoking authority. The "curse of knowledge." "You only use ten percent of your brain." "The Great Wall of China is the only manmade structure that you can see from outer space." These and other urban legends surv... read more
Psychology of Power, The
People in power become less aware of the consequences of their actions.
Program Highlights What experimental psychology tells us about the effects of power. Why leaders and subordinates can misjudge each other's motivations. How people change if suddenly thrust into a position of power. Individuals in positions of power can be seen to exhibit behavior that is idiosyncra... read more
Supply Chain Management in the Internet Age
How can you reap the most benefits out of the Internet?
Program Highlights The three stages of innovation: substitution, scale and structural effect. How the impact of the Internet on supply chain management has lead to business opportunities far beyond supply chain integration. Examples of supply chain structural changes that resulted in important new p... read more
Why Don't We Naturally Make Good Decisions?
An impending decision needs to be positioned in a manageable frame.
Program Highlights The endowment effect, the conjunction fallacy, and anchoring—natural human tendencies that lead to bad decisions, every time. Why we tend to disregard probability when making a decision under uncertainty. How impatience, stress, willpower and empathy influence action. Decision mak... read more
Winners (Don't) Take All
The Difficult Task of Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiation
Program Highlights What NOT to learn from experience. Where your greatest source of power dwells. Why you might knowingly and voluntarily take a bad deal. Negotiations have two dimensions: the creation of value, and the claiming of that value. Negotiators often focus on the value-claiming side, dest... read more